
Monday, 6 May 2013

Blog Debut

"Write what you know"- well after changing careers 9 months ago and 'throwing' away my career as a television reporter, these days I'm not too sure what I know. But at 25 call it a quarter-life crisis, I'm more determined than ever to figure out what I want and why. 

I've moved back home with my mother and carted my incredibly patient boyfriend with me in the hopes of saving money and buying a house. We've given ourselves 12 months to save like crazy people, with an exit strategy at Christmas after 8 months if the plan doesn't go- well, according to plan. 

We want to buy our first house together- a massive step for a moral minded me who knows too well what can happen if things go pear shaped without a pear-shape cut diamond as security. We're aiming to buy a renovator- DIY with a touch of TLC- within 10kms of the CBD- to flip within 5 years to buy another, and then another. 

And with that in mind- I've been feverishly researching and investigation locations, reading up on all the hot places and how to renovate to make a profit in the hopes when we're ready in 12 months I'll be a renovating genius. 

I'll share my thoughts, plans, dreams and projects along the way- and maybe, just maybe you'll learn a thing or two as well.

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